Sinus headache treatment with acupuncture is focused on points related to the sinuses. One of these points is called Bitong and is a specific point that helps manage the pain caused by sinusitis. Other acupuncture points for sinus congestion are located far from your sinuses, on your arms and legs!
There are additional points that can promote
- Drainage
- Reduce mucus production
- Provide pressure relief
Acupuncture point selection is based on your specific diagnosis. Most of our patients find fast relief from sinus pressure and pain.
Acupuncture, at its core, works through the correction of imbalances in your body. Sinus headaches and many other types of headaches develop when there is a disruption in the natural balance of your body. Our treatment approach focuses on correcting the imbalance and allowing the body to heal itself.
A central concept of acupuncture is to correct problems by improving circulation. We base treatment on the following principles:
- Your body is connected via a network of channels that need to circulate freely to protect you from illness and keep sinuses clear.
- Qi (vital life force) circulates through these channels, helping nourish and protect your body.
- Illness can develop when qi doesn’t flow or there is too little qi.
Acupuncture works by neural reconditioning local areas of your body to reduce inflammation and restore proper communication. Acupuncture boosts immunity, regulates your nervous system and assists your endocrine system. At the cellular level, acupuncture works to reduce pain and heal inflamed tissue.