We offer excellent acupuncture treatments for low back pain and sciatic symptoms.
“Does acupuncture work for low back pain or sciatica?” This is one of the most common questions people ask when they call to find out about acupuncture. And my favorite one to answer! Our practice has successfully treated thousands of people with low back pain and symptoms of sciatica with outstanding results!
Low back pain affects most of us at some point in our lives. It is so common the website eMedicine Health mentions chronic low back pain as second only to the common cold as a cause of lost days at work with 85% having no specific medical cause.
Low back pain is often accompanied by sciatic symptoms such as numbness, or tingling, radiating down the buttock or leg. However, not all symptoms are due to pressure on spinal nerves. Symptoms that are not being caused by nerve impingement are almost always treatable with acupuncture and are often completely eliminated. Even spine pain caused by bulging discs, herniation, or spinal stenosis can respond to a series of treatments.
If you have low back pain or sciatic symptoms that are not being caused by pressure on the nerves, then what’s causing it? It could be poor posture or lack of exercise causing strain on the muscles. Maybe you had a previous injury and now have a ‘weak’ back. Posture and core strength are important aspects of healing.
Poor posture and inefficient body mechanics cause muscle strain which may lead to trigger points – tight areas in the muscle that cause radiating pain. Trigger points cause symptoms in either the local area, such as the low back, or into the buttock and down the leg, even into the foot. Sciatic symptoms can be caused by trigger points in the muscles of the low back and gluteals. Low back muscles can cause trigger points that radiate pain as well. For most people, low back pain and sciatic symptoms are mild and go away on their own.
Unfortunately for others, they become an ongoing problem affecting every area of their lives. If your pain is more serious and you’ve been diagnosed with one of the following conditions, we can help.
- Arthritis
- Bulging Disc
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Spondylolythesis
- Spinal Fracture
- Spinal Stenosis or Scoliosis.
Even these causes of low back pain can be relieved using acupuncture. If the back is not too severely injured, acupuncture can provide relief, either reducing the symptoms or eliminating them altogether. Acupuncture can reduce the amount of medication needed while your back is healing. Many who have been diagnosed with the conditions listed above, experience remarkable benefit from a series of acupuncture treatments.
Do you have low back pain? Don’t suffer another minute. Call today and get started on the road to health and freedom from pain.