Acupuncture treatment works for shoulder pain relief. People with shoulder pain quickly realize how much they use their shoulders for everything from carrying groceries, reaching behind to put on your coat, reaching across the car seat to pick up your purse. Eventually sleeping, showering, and even driving may become painful.
Acupuncture treatment can help provide pain relief from shoulder issues due to sprains, strains, and tears. We treat post surgical pain, pain due to injuries such as rotator cuff tears and more chronic conditions such as frozen shoulder. When it comes to shoulder pain, acupuncture treatment is very effective.
1.Frozen Shoulder and Acupuncture
- Frozen shoulder- also called adhesive capsulitis – is a condition marked by pain, stiffness, and an increasingly limited ability to use the shoulder joint. Frozen shoulder can last for up to two years – requiring physical therapy to ensure that the shoulder joint recovers its full range of motion and does not stiffen further. Acupuncture has been demonstrated to decrease the pain and discomfort of frozen shoulder as well as decrease healing time.
2.Rotator Cuff Tear and Acupuncture
- Rotator cuff injury happens when one or more of the four muscles of the shoulder joint are torn. Sometimes rotator cuff injuries are minor, but some may require surgery. Acupuncture helps heal minor rotator cuff tears. I have assisted several people who were advised to receive surgery to repair their rotator cuff injuries. Many got shoulder pain relief and avoided surgery.
3.Shoulder Surgery and Acupuncture
- Recovery from shoulder surgery is slow and painful. If you rotator cuff tear does require surgery, acupuncture assists in post operative healing after shoulder surgery or any surgical procedure. Post-operative acupuncture reduces the amount of pain medication required and shortens healing time.
4. Bursitis, Tendonitis, and Acupuncture
- Bursitis and tendonitis refer to inflammation of a particular area. These two conditions occur in joints where there are both tendons – which attach muscle to bone- and bursa – fluid filled sacs that cushion the joint and muscle. When either of these become inflamed, there is pain. The proper terminology is impingement syndrome when either the tendons or bursa in the rotator cuff region become inflamed. Acupuncture helps you heal faster from bursitis, tendonitis, and impingement syndrome